Is your list of to-do’s getting longer and out of control?  

I bet mines bigger than yours

I bet mines bigger than yours

Well you’re not alone. Most of us are getting busier yet we do not seem to be getting through as much as we used to.

Here are 5 quick tips to get you back on track.

  1. Stop doing tasks and start focusing on the result.  You are more likely to achieve the related tasks if you know what the end result will be.
  2. Set a specific time-frame to achieve this result.
  3. Know what tasks you need to do and what task others will be contributing to the result.
  4. Priorities the results to those that will give you the biggest gain. In a business this should almost always be geared to more profit.
  5. Share this philosophy with others around you.

Focus on the results and you might just get that list manageable again.

If you have any tips on managing your time better I’d love to hear them. Please feel free to comment.

What is a virtual business mentor?

mentor: a trusted friend, counsellor or teacher, usually a more experienced person.

Every entrepreneur should have a mentor – some else who has actually travelled the road you are about start. This is some-one you respect and that has actually, not talked and written books about, but actually lived the journey. Anyone can talk about it, few survive and live though it.

virtual: in its meaning is not physically present. In this new day and information age we no longer require our business coaches and mentors to be in the next street or the city. We can access the best minds and experience the world has to offer. So, if you’re in Sydney or Melbourne Australia this does not mean you mentor can’t be a Silicon Valley genius.

A virtual business mentor is a mentor who is not physically present, who helps grow and guide you around the obstacles that starting and running a business presents.

How to find a virtual business mentor?

Know yourself: Consciously think about where you are, and where you would like to be. Consider your personality, strengths and weaknesses. Understand what it is you need to grow. If you don’t know yourself, start there, maybe ask a peer to help you constructive find the area you need to grow?

Results: A clear understanding of your purpose and desired result will ensure that you find a suitable mentor, and that you and your mentor find value in the relationship. This clarity also eliminates any future confusion.

Past: Whether deliberately or not, each of us has had mentors in our lives. Think about the people who have mentored you and the qualities that you appreciated most about them. Use these traits as guidelines to finding a mentor.

Referrals: Ask around friends, colleagues, a personal referral is the best method. Be clear about what you’re looking for and why.

Broader Search: use the industry associations, online communities, professors, and a better option can be other successful leaders in your industry. Do not be afraid to ask.

Open mind: A mentor is someone who will help you grow in the area(s) most important to you. Look for someone who exemplifies the traits and skills that you want to adopt. If your accountant models the mindset-management behaviours that you strive for, she could be your mentor.

So what steps are you going to take next or what do you think of my post ?